Graduate School at CU Boulder


Spring 2024: Attitude Estimation, Dynamics, and Control

Fall 2023: Software Engineering for Scientists, Intro to GNSS, Environmental Decision Making

Passed PhD qualification exams in Statistical Estimation and Algorithmic Motion Planning (Summer 2023)

Fall 2022: Algorithmic Motion Planning

Spring 2022: Fundamentals of System Engineering

Fall 2021: Analytical Astrodynamics

Summer 2021: Statistical Estimation of Dyanamical Systems


Advisor: Marcus Holzinger

I have been involved in two primary research projects as a member of the Vision, Autonomy, and Decision Research (VADeR) Laboratory at the University of Colorado Boulder. Our laboratory has an observatory for Space Domain Awareness research, and I helped set up and collect data with the event camera, a device that measures changes in voltage in each pixel (called "events") rather than capturing individual image frames. These can be used to observe the vibrational modes of a space object and determine if it is active (i.e. performing a slew). My main focus now is on the development of a wargame for the U.S. Space Force to help train Guardians on how to make decisions in future operational scenarios. This project combines astrodynamics, sensor architecture, and cognitive engineering research in the game design and hotwash process.

Click here to view my bio on our lab website.

Doctoral Prospectus Projectt

Every PhD student is required to do a project that is related to their research or career goals that benefits society. Before I switched to the M.S. program, my prospectus project was researching and writing a public comment for in response to the Federal Aviation Administration's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on "Mitigation Methods for Launch Vehicle Upper Stages on the Creation of Orbital Debris". My comment (ID FAA-2023-1858-0031 on focused on the thresholds proposed for debris size to be tracked, probability of collision, timelines for disposal, environmental review, and plans for enforcement. It is now my long-term career goal to participate in the federal agency rulemaking processes as a space policy expert.